Tag Archives: headlines

Scary DUMB: Can You Write a Better Headline for This Ad?

The photo is yummy. The headline stinks.

Hey Gang,

Talk about a missed opportunity.

Just look at this ad and how quickly does a better headline come to mind?

For me, it took all of 3 seconds.

(Click the photo a couple of times to read the body copy.)

It’s almost easy enough for a pre-schooler. Yet the copywriter, copy chief, marketing director, and everyone else involved either didn’t know any better… or simply kept their mouth shut. (Which is another way of saying they didn’t know any better.)

This is one of the best examples of advertising know-how ignorance. Not that these examples are so tough to find. But this one is simply so glaring.

Enough yakking. Tell me what they SHOULD have written for the headline. Don’t worry about submitting a polished, finished headline. Just tell me what you think the head SHOULD say. Take all of 60 seconds to do it.

My guess is that the readers of this blog know better than the people on the company payroll(s) responsible for this deliciously bad disaster.

Have at it…


P.S. Don’t forget to click twice on the ad to enlarge it enough to read the body text. 😉