Blog… blog… blog

Blog… blog… blog! It sounds like a 350-pound man vomiting off the end of a pier.

But if it helps me get the word out about the incredible foolishness of 99% of advertisers today and help YOU avoid their mistakes, it’s worth the effort, right?

My goal is to teach through example. And boy do I have some great (HORRIBLE!) examples to share with you.

Because I think some of the most hard-hitting lessons are those brought to you via examples of what NOT to do. They’re stunning… flabbergasting… mind-numbing. And they help give you the confidence you need to start making serious changes to the crappy advertising that’s doing nothing more than sucking out cash from your bank account.

Still with me? Good. Stay tuned. Subscribe to email alerts or to an RSS feed.

I promise you’ll never look at advertising (yours or anyone else’s) the same way again.

Success! <HANDSHAKE>

Drew Eric Whitman, D.R.S.
Direct Response Surgeon

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2 responses to “Blog… blog… blog

  1. Thanks for your comment, Don. It amazes me what many big companies turn out. You just think they’d know better, but the proof that they DON’T is right in their ads.

    Continued Success, Don!

  2. I’ve been in advertising and promotion for many years and you’re dead-on with your assumptions. I agree 100%.

    Don Artis/CEO,
    Royalty Marketing Group Inc.

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